We would like to offer the following links to educators, teachers, and individuals that are interested in helping others. Thanks for all that you do!
Post or answer questions on our very own message board.
Allan L. Beane, Ph.D., a former classroom teacher, is a nationally recognized expert, speaker, and author on bullying, as well as a nationally renowned consultant and educator. He has 30 years experience in education that includes teaching special education, teaching regular education, teaching speech and debate, teaching in higher education, serving two years as Director of a School Safety Center, and authoring over thirty published articles, two book chapters, and a book. He has served as an expert witness in criminal cases involving bullying and has been an expert guest for Fox News in Chicago. He currently serves as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Mid-Continent College, a four-year Christian college, and is an ordained minister.
Visit his web site at http://www.bullyfree.com
There is a great e-book about bullying available that you can share with your children. You can even print it out and color the pictures! Best of all, it is FREE!
Just Click Here
Here is a great link for K- 3 teachers to get some ideas and print out some activities. Also a great place for parents to find some eCards to send to their child's teacher.

CMHS Program Spotlight - School Violence Prevention August 2002 Web site at http://www.mentalhealth.org/highlights/August2002/ has tips for parents on dealing with behavior problems; coping skills for young people; and links to information for educators and others working with children.
Teachers, students, support staff, parents and administrators need to work as a team to take action against bullying.

Home Room 7B
Joel's story is a "must read" for anyone who has been bullied or anyone who has been a bully. His helpful insights in his epilogue are another "must read" for school guidance counselors, classroom teachers, school district administrators, and parents.
"How To Quickly And Easily Stop Your
Child From Being Bullied At School Using
Step-By-Step Techniques That Are Proven To Work In The Shortest Time Possible"
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The Children's PEACE Center
The Children's PEACE Center is a fun, interactive, hands-on museum for children in Elementary grades K-5th, but also provides an exciting learning experience for all ages. It's a challenging place of discovery, as well as a resource center for families, parents, teachers, and anyone interested in making a positive impact on the future of our children and our world.
Balance Educational Services is the leader in
bully prevention offering workshops and presentations for students, school
staff and parents. Using their unique tag-team approach, which includes
role-playing and audience participation, Steve Breakstone and Michael Dreiblatt
teach students, educators, and parents how to recognize, prevent and stop
bullying in their communities.
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